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The opening ceremony of TINKORIS hospital project in Papua New Ireland, built by China 19th Metallurgical Group Corp. Ltd. Company International Engineering Branch, was held

Author:Zhao Yuping PostDate:2022年11月18日 Click: A+ A A-
      Net news (correspondent Li Nian and Yang Fengyu) On October 31st, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the TINKORIS hospital project in Papua New Ireland, which was undertaken by China 19th Metallurgical Group Corp. Ltd. Company International Engineering Branch.

  At the ceremony, Julius Chan, governor of Papua New Guinea and former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, highly praised the construction of the project, and thanked China 19th Metallurgical Group Corp. Ltd. Company for its efforts in hospital road construction and its support for this ribbon-cutting opening ceremony. He expressed the hope that China 19th Metallurgical Group Corp. Ltd. Company will continue to maintain close communication and cooperation with the provincial government of Papua New Guinea, and work together to create more excellent projects.

  TINKORIS hospital is located in Matanai District, Namatai, Papua New Ireland. It is a municipal project. After the hospital is officially put into use, it will provide the best health services for over 10 communities in nearby. Among them, TINKORIS hospital road project, with a total length of 2km, whose main construction contents include sub-grade engineering, base and sub-base work, asphalt pavement laying, concrete pedestrian walkway, kerb, drainage ditch, culvert installation and parking lot construction. The completion and opening of the road of TINKORIS hospital has realized the intercommunication between the hospital and LAZAROTE Expressway, created favorable conditions for local people's livelihood and medical care improvement , road network construction and residents' travel for medical treatment. Also, it was unanimously affirmed by the owners and all parties, since this fully demonstrates the responsibilities and decisions of China 19th Metallurgical project team to build overseas high-quality projects and to keep up the strategy of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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