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International Company Accelerating Resumption of Overseas Projects

Author:xiangyc PostDate:2020年08月24日 Click: A+ A A-

  At local time 11:00, August 13 in Papua New Guinea, 22 employees of the International Company arrived in Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Guinea, after taking a chartered flight of Philippine Airlines that departed from Chengdu and transferred trough Tianjin and Manila. After the centralized quarantine, they will immediately participate in the project.

  Currently, the epidemic is still ravaging overseas. The International Company is doing everything it can to help with epidemic control and project resumption overseas. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and ban on international flights, the Papua New Guinea Project is in dire shortage of onsite management and construction personnel, so the domestic employees volunteered to participate in the frontline works and contribute to the project. In order to ensure safety of the overseas employees, this flight carried large amount of medical masks, protective gloves, Lianhua Qingwen Granule and other anti-epidemic supplies.

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