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A Sichuan Provincial Key Technological Innovation Program Project of MCC19 Was Successfully Accepted

Author:xiangyc PostDate:2020年01月19日 Click: A+ A A-

  On December 24, Panzhihua Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, delegated by the Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Commission (SPEIC), organized experts to accept and review the “Construction of enterprise-level Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its application and research in engineering construction”, a Sichuan provincial key technological innovation program project undertaken by MCC19 in Panzhihua City.

  At the acceptance meeting, experts heard detailed reports on project implementation, investment final account and grant utilization, cost accounting and analysis of economic and social benefits, carried out detailed review of technical summary, pilot demonstration project, relevant financial vouchers, among others. After inquiry and discussion, acceptance expert group unanimously agreed that the project satisfied technical indicators and economic benefits prescribed by the agreement and was successfully accepted.

  The project obtained approval in 2014 and received a special grant of RMB2 million from the SPEIC. In the absence of BIM-related standards across China, the project team carried out exploration and research about the application of information technology in construction companies. By virtue of overall planning, the Company implemented its plan by four stages including BIM concept, technical training, popularization and enterprise practice, thus having gradually established a full set of BIM application and management processes in companies covering application of BIM software and the establishment of coordinated work model based on BIM concept.

  As of August 23, 2019, MCC19 made 2 research reports, 1 overall promotion and implementation plan, 1 concept promotion video, and trained 412 BIM model production employees, 92 BIM project managers, and prepared 4 personnel appraisal reports. In addition, it prepared 10 pilot engineering construction project BIM implementation plans, 1 enterprise BIM single application guide book, 5 enterprise BIM application implementation standards and guidelines, made 13 scientific and technological (including verifications and awards) outcomes, applied 5 BIM application-related patents and issued 19 dissertations.

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